It is fitting, then, that my current ambitions follow the pattern of three 'P's.
1. Portugal
I want to go work on a farm in Portugal. I want to see the country, its castles, the ocean, the sand, and the land. Maybe I will learn some of the language, but according to a friend it sounds "freakishly different". My main goals are to work hard and sleep well. If possible I would also like to learn how to ride a horse and "get some color" (if not a true tan).
2. Palo Alto
Back to work, research research research. There exists an interesting internship that would allow me to spend a finite amount of time doing a project in an applied setting. The lab that I want to join uses psychology, computer science, sociology, human factors, etc to examine the way people use technology in social settings (primarily via the innernette). As I mentioned, this is a finite commitment (~12 weeks) and would wrap up in time for the next step.
3. Paris
Following the steps of my sister, I would enjoy spending a year brushing up on my French. Moreover, there are some smart people working on exciting and novel projects. The web, along with accompanying software, holds the future of art, science, and society. Therefore, enrolling in this programme and especially spending time with these people will help me experience and understand the paradigms that will shape our future. Who knows, if I can catch the blitzkrieg then maybe I will get to play my own part.
I spent some time tonight (I am having trouble falling asleep) drawing depictions of what I imagine my 'P's will look like. I am not fond of my Palo Alto, if I had a gray pastel I think I could improve the picture. I enjoy the colors of Portugal most and prefer the images of Paris.
Below is a photograph that I stole from the Art Institute of Chicago. I want to look like this when I grow up.
1 comment:
You should start wearing the bowler cap now to get ready for being old. We'll work on getting you to pipe-smoking mode over the summer
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